
Have you ever been in a time of your life where you were just uncomfortable?  If we are telling the truth, maybe dissatisfied with “life as usual?”  I wrote Breakthrough during one of those seasons.  I remember the exact time this song was birthed so vividly…  It was a warm Maine Summer day.  I was walking down my road feeling the sun on my face.  In my “seeming happy place” yet inside I felt unsettled.  Like, I was ready for the next phase of life but I wasn’t quite sure what that was or what it would look like.  Either way, I knew something had to change and deep down, I knew it was going to be a transformation that started from the inside out.  So as I was walking and pondering all of these things my prayer to God started coming out with me saying, “God I’m hungry for a breakthrough in my life and whatever it takes I give you permission to do what you have to do in me so you can accomplish what you want to accomplish through me.”  He began to show me areas I was still holding onto because of fear and I started to get excited at the thought of relinquishing all control to God and just letting Him have His way.  Hence the phrase, “break me, shake me, mold me, remake me, do what You gotta do to shape me, for breakthrough, in my life.”

This song makes me want to dance.  It makes me rejoice because it positions the singer for true freedom – the freedom that comes when we give God the reigns and say, “not my will but Your will.”  I pray you enjoy the song and it becomes an anthem for your life.