
My name is Rena Bold. For probably just about all of you, this is the first time you’ve ever heard of me, and that’s okay. My hearts desire in launching this website and putting music online is not that you remember who I am, but that you draw closer to and remember The Great I Am: Jesus.

I have been incredibly blessed, as over the years the Lord has given me many songs. Some for me and some that I believe are for others. I feel it’s my responsibility to pour out whatever the Lord gives me, in order to bless, comfort and bring hope to God’s people and ultimately, to advance the Kingdom of God.

I give thanks to God and to those who have helped make these songs a reality: my friends (instrumentalists and singers); my husband, Mike; those who invested financially so that we could record; to Chris at Thundering Sky http://thunderingsky.com; Kathy and Adam at Bryce Creative http://brycecreative.com for creating an awesome site and being the best brother and sister in love ever; and even my mom for watching the babies so I could go to the studio. Every small part has turned this dream into a reality. I’m forever grateful as I could not have done it without you all.

I truly believe as we lift up His Name, that He will draw all hearts to Him. I pray that as you hear these songs, and the ones that I will add in the future, that they will connect your heart to His heart in a deeper way. I pray that who He is will be revealed and that He will show you more facets of His loving character and nature and just how precious you really are to Him.

Rena Bold


Rena was born in Altus, Oklahoma in 1978. Her father was stationed there when he was in the air-force. When Rena was six years old her parents divorced. At that time, most of the family migrated back to New England, where they were from originally.

Rena and Michael met at a Turkish Coffee Shop, Caffe Kilim, in 1998 in Portsmouth, NH. In 2000 the two of them were married. They have two children, Asher and Aviella.

Rena attended a camp meeting service at Christian Life Church in 1999, where she accepted Jesus as her Savior. It was a pivotal moment in her life. With music being her passion, it wasn’t a surprise when she began singing in the church choir. In 2001 she was asked to step in as the Choir Director and shortly after that time she joined the worship team as a vocalist and began her training for worship leading. Since 2007, Rena has been the Music Director for the church and has enjoyed being able to develop others of all ages in their gifts and talents and watch them grow and thrive.

Over the past few years Rena has been invited to help sing for events like: SOAR Women’s Conference http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e8bw0q32a3e9fef3&llr=sbeiz6jab&showPage=true; Portland Night of Worship http://www.portlandnightofworship.org; CLIMB Good Friday Breakfast https://weclimb.wordpress.com; United for Love Concert to benefit Seeds of Faith and Lydia’s House of Hope http://seedsoffaithministries.org; and Seacoast Night of Worship just to name a few.

Rena is extremely passionate about breaking down barriers that divide and joining forces with other churches in worship of the King of Kings to bring heaven down to earth. She believes that as we unite to lift up who He is, that God will bless and anoint where we’ve unified (as Psalm 133 declares) and His anointing will break and shatter strongholds so that His glory will be revealed.